I thought let me write this one, string combination. One can find many different implementations through iteration to the permutation and combination of string in the internet.My code below; implements Brute force algorithm to find the string combination and prints them.
[The iterative pattern for the same, is considered to be one of the tough interview questions.]
Language: C#
Compiler: .NET framework 3.5
Platform: Windows server 2008, Intel Core2Duo X64.
// ****************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) Global Handler. All rights reserved.
// This file implements the brute force algorithm to find the string combinations.
// Note: The code is not warranted and not tested.
// ****************************************************************************
namespace StringCombination
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
/// Functionality to find the string combinations.
public class StringCombo
#region -= Variables =-
/// Dictionary to hold the unique strings.
private DictionarystringDictionary = new Dictionary ();
#endregion -= Variables =-
#region -= Constructor =-
/// Constructor of
/// The input string.
public StringCombo(string givenString)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(givenString))
throw new ArgumentNullException(givenString, "The given string is either Null or Empty");
//Find if the given string has unique characters
if (!FindForDuplicatesInString(givenString))
throw new ArgumentException("The string contains duplicate characters, please enter a string with unique characters");
int dictLimit = FindTheFactorial(givenString.Length);
GetTheCombinationsForAString(givenString, dictLimit);
#endregion -= Constructor =-
#region -= Private Methods =-
/// Method to find the unique string combinations.
/// The given string.
/// The maximum combinations.
private void GetTheCombinationsForAString(string givenString, int dictionaryLimit)
DictionarydictionaryForControllingRandomValues = null;
dictionaryForControllingRandomValues = new Dictionary();
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
Random rnd = new Random((int)currentDate.Ticks);
int number = rnd.Next(0, givenString.Length); //max number is the input string length.
if (!dictionaryForControllingRandomValues.ContainsKey(number))
dictionaryForControllingRandomValues.Add(number, givenString[number]); //char at the given index.
//repeats until the count of dict reaches the input string length.
} while (dictionaryForControllingRandomValues.Count != givenString.Length);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(KeyValuePairstringForAddingToMainDict in dictionaryForControllingRandomValues)
if (!this.stringDictionary.ContainsKey(sb.ToString()))
this.stringDictionary.Add(sb.ToString(), null);
//repeats until the string dictionary count reaches the maximum combinations expected.
}while(this.stringDictionary.Count != dictionaryLimit);
/// Method that finds if the given string contains unique set of characters.
/// The given string.
///Result of evaluation.
private bool FindForDuplicatesInString(string givenString)
DictionaryduplicateCharTracker = new Dictionary ();
for (int i = 0; i < givenString.Length; i++)
char value = givenString[i];
if (duplicateCharTracker.ContainsKey(value))
return false;
duplicateCharTracker.Add(value, null);
return true;
/// The method that prints the string output.
private void PrintTheStringCombinations()
foreach (KeyValuePairuniqueString in this.stringDictionary)
/// Method that gets the factorial.
/// Lenght of the string.
///The factorial value.
private int FindTheFactorial(int lengthOfString)
if (lengthOfString == 0)
return 0;
int factorial = 1;
for (int i = lengthOfString; i > 1 ; i--)
factorial *= i;
return factorial;
#endregion -= Private Methods =-
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
StringCombo stringCombo = new StringCombo("abc");
stringCombo = new StringCombo(null);
stringCombo = new StringCombo(string.Empty);
stringCombo = new StringCombo("aaabc");
stringCombo = new StringCombo("12345");
For any questions and comments, please log the comments in the blogpost or alternatively email me at ram@globalhandler.com
Adding the below approach from the comment section:
say you are given a string "abc"
now, make 2 strings (clone and combine & reverse, clone and combine)
abcabc and cbacba
read out them like
abcabc -> abc, bca and cab
cbacba -> cba, bac and acb
combine them
abc bca cab cba bac acb
You know, space is no more a constrain for devs its the parallelism that matters - all that we can do is fork two threads to read them out.
This could very well be tailored using Map/Reduce for large scale clouds and clusters.